Monthly Archives: April 2014

Healthcare Graphics Need Help – Minnesota?

In our last column, we took  a look at a variety of Hand Hygiene posters used by large health organizations, and what they could do to better communicate.  To summarize, the lesson we learned is that simply writing “hand hygiene”

Posted in Healthcare Graphics Need Help

New Guest Post – Hand Hygiene Needs its Golden Arches

We’ve been asked again to post at Deb Group’s Hand Hygiene Blog, where we continue from where we left off.  In our earlier guest post we talked about the benefits of getting the general public involved in infection prevention and

Posted in Offsite Posts

Healthcare Graphics Need Help – Hand Hygiene Graphics Reviewed

The original intent of this column was to showcase how graphic design could improve healthcare practices, without resorting to criticism.  We’re not going to do that today. It’s simply that without all the pieces of the puzzle it’s impossible to

Posted in Healthcare Graphics Need Help

Healthcare Graphics Need Help – from Barbershops

Here’s a real simple problem:  How do you make something important very easy for people to find?  There are many ways of doing it, for example you could just put up a big sign.  What about if it both has

Posted in Healthcare Graphics Need Help

Healthcare Graphics Need Help

This was going to be an article, but we have so much to say on the subject that we decided a column would be a better idea. Welcome to Healthcare Graphics Need Help, a column where rather than spending our

Posted in Healthcare Graphics Need Help

Monster Prevention and Control in Minecraft

To those who are familiar with it, the independently-developed video game Minecraft is often touted as either one of the greatest things to come out of the gaming industry in decades or a shallow game in which a simple, blocky

Posted in Articles



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