Pull Power

At this stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Facilities are starting to reopen to the public, and overall prioritizing doing so safely.  What we’ve seen, however, is that facilities of all kinds are ignoring the most important concept in public safety infrastructure: pull power.

Simply placing small sanitizer dispenser stands near the entrances and hoping people notice them (the first step towards actually using them) is not the way to go about it.  We’ve written about this before, and the WHO agrees with us.

What’s missing is the ability to be immediately seen and understood as being hand sanitizing stations from a distance and over the heads of crowds. 

The difference between “over the heads of crowds” and “blocked by anybody.”

You need to pull people in. This concept works for emergency exits, restrooms and more – we wrote about this in one of our very earliest blog posts.  It’s simple – infrastructure that makes a big deal of itself makes it clear to the public that it’s important to pay attention to, and the greater the distance that it’s visible from the better the setup works.

None of this requires any intervention from staff, digital screens or apps, just the design of the infrastructure itself.

Our Tagg Clean-Hands® Sanitizing Stations have been designed this way from the very beginning.  They are as immediately obvious as a fire extinguisher, as visible as a hydrant.  Hand hygiene is too important to be hidden.

And if there’s one bit of feedback we keep getting from people – they have pull power to spare.

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